Thursday, August 21, 2008


Well (that's a deep subject... let's not dig into it, haha )... there's been a lot of changes over the last little while and various matters, especially when it comes to my future, continue to change. The most notable at the present is the matter of me having laid aside my job at the group home in order to go to Seminary full time! The decision to do this come up rather quickly and unexpectedly not just for others but also for myself. I'm getting myself into some deep water it seems; yet there is clarity in God biding me to come. I've needed faith and trust for this being the step I need to take. One reason being that I had to move out of my place north of Edmonton and move into the south side (45-60mins away from where I work) before I knew if I was accepted. In fact, I had to tell my boss I was completely done before my acceptance was sealed. Add to that Finances and the workload and you've got yourself a sitting duck for faith testing. Not that I'd claim some great credit for "my faith," it just kind of happened... and is happening. I knew that I had to be somewhere else at this time (not at group home anymore) and Seminary is the only place I understood as the right place for me at this time.
So starting September 2, 2008 I'll be at Taylor Seminary working on a M. Div. in Pastoral Leadership! Yikes! I'm excited for the opportunity and challenge as well as nervous about the crazy shift in direction my future seems to be headed down. This is not just true of going to Seminary but touches many areas of my life: Spiritual, personal, social, financial, intellectual... Actually my life seems to be a little out of my control. I heard a sermon over the radio a few weeks ago about how when Jesus called a number of the disciples he just said "follow me," without the question of "where?" they just followed. The point is that it's not about WHERE we are going but WHO we are going with. Christ called me out onto the water, the winds blow and the waves crash around me, the depth below me sinks further and further from sight... It matters not, for it was Christ who called me and I will come! Where do you need to go?

Wednesday, February 13, 2008


Well thought I'd write a little update here for people (if any still read this)... Sad news first... My Grandpa died Last week... he knew it was going to happen. The worst part of it is that last time I saw him and talk about Jesus with him he rejected it and said he perfered not to think about what would happen when he died (despite being on his death bed!) It all went to show me that it really doesn't matter what you do in life... if you don't have the real Jesus you don't have anything! It is all out of my/our hands now but may it be a reminder to be faithful in following the Spirit's leading in our lives for truely, "the kingdom of God is coming soon," life is short. You can pray for my Mom during this time if you'd like, it's hardest on her I think.

My work at the group home is going fairly well, I've been encouraged by some of the changes I see in the boys. One of the boys will be leaving very shortly so that means a change in the dynamic of the home as a new boy replaces him. We are enjoying the warm weather the last couple of days as it has been quite cold here and we are outside alot.

Personally I've taken up a few things in that last little while... I've challenged myself at hockey more and suit up to play some random guys at a sports centre in Fort Sask.; I'm reading more now (which proves to be much more rewarding and enjoyable then the Tube); I've also challenged myself with getting a bit into drawing and learn the many things that are involved in that relm. I have some exciting directions ahead of me in reguards to trips and "adventures" but I'll save that to a time were things are a little more solidified...

All for now... and in case I don't see you... Good Afternoon, Good evening and Good Night!